Young Adults

Welcome to Young Adults

During their formative years, it is important for our young adults to feel welcome and at home. YIQV offers a plethora of events and programming for this age group focusing on wholesome and productive growth.

Onegs & Kumzitzes
Onegs & Kumzitzes

We host inspiring Oneg and Kumzitz events for young adult boys, where friends come together to try delicious food, learn new tunes, and experience YIQV’s trademark camaraderie.

Youth Group Leadership
Youth Group Leadership

Some of our young adult girls become Youth Group counselors, developing crucial personal responsibility and leadership skills at this pivotal point in their lives. They might even earn a chance to work on our in-house comic book!

Motzei Shabbos Chabura
Motzei Shabbos Chabura

Our young adult boys often join Rabbi Marcus for an interactive Chabura shiur, the perfect way to spend an otherwise idle Motzei Shabbos.

Join Our Young Adult Groups

Questions about our Young Adult Groups? Comments? Get ahold of us!

If there's anything you want to know that's not covered here, let us know! We're here to answer your questions and make you feel at home at YIQV.

Rabbi Mordy Anton


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